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Your life is waiting. Fast, long-lasting relief is nearby.

What are the requirements to get a massage therapy license?

Massage therapy is licensed by the state where you practice. In Missouri, the Massage Therapist Licensure Requirements can be found here:

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How do I make an appointment?

Appointments can be made online or by contacting the office directly. If a specific time or day isn’t available online, simply contact the office to make other arrangements.

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How much does it cost?

Prices are subject to change. Please visit our services page for more info.

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“Under the Medicare program, Chiropractic maintenance therapy is not considered to be medically reasonable or necessary, and is therefore not payable. Maintenance therapy is defined as a treatment plan that seeks to prevent disease, promote health, and prolong and enhance the quality of life; or therapy that is performed to maintain or prevent deterioration of a chronic condition.”

-Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services

The goal of Inner Space is to prevent disease, promote health, prolong and enhance the quality of life. Medicare does not pay for chiropractic services provided at Inner Space and as a result, we have chosen to not enroll as a Medicare provider. Because we are not enrolled, we can not legally perform chiropractic adjustments on Medicare patients. Dr. Dan does offer other services (found here) which Medicare patients can purchase directly through the office. If this brings up further questions, please contact the office directly.

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Do you take insurance?

We are considered “Out-of-Network” with all insurance carriers. This freedom allows Dr. Dan to focus on what’s best for you rather than what insurance will reimburse for. Being out-of-network also cuts office costs by reducing the time and resources it takes to process third-party payments. Please contact an Inner Space representative if you have further questions.

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What is massage?

Massage is a general term for pressing, rubbing and manipulating your skin, muscles, tendons and ligaments. Studies of the benefits of massage demonstrate that it is an effective treatment for reducing stress, pain and muscle tension. There are many different types of massage. The massage techniques utilized at Inner Space incorporate many parts of the therapist’s body – thumbs, palms, elbows, and even feet and knees – to pull, press, and stretch the soft tissue of the recipient.

The massage may take place on massage table, chair or maybe on a floor mat. This is to give the therapist more flexibility in performing the stretches on your body.

Beyond the physical benefits for treating specific conditions or diseases, people enjoy massage because it often produces feelings of caring, comfort and connection.

Massage also promotes general health and well-being. On the preventive side it activates a free flow of energy, improving fluid circulation, digestion, breathing capacity, body posture, flexibility. On the therapeutic side it can treat a large number of pathologies such as lower back pain, headaches, digestive problems, stress, insomnia, nervous imbalance, neck & shoulder muscular tightness… and so much more.

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What conditions do you treat?

During your first visit, health goals are discussed and a plan is developed to achieve those goals. Examples of health goals include not only pain reduction (think back and neck pain, headaches, etc) but also lifestyle changes such as: change of diet, beginning to exercise, quitting an addictive substance, coming off medications (in conjunction with the prescribing physician), palliative care, health maintenance, stress reduction, etc. The care given at Inner Space Chiropractic is perfect for those seeking greater flexibility, coordination and feeling synced with their body.

The aim of Inner Space Chiropractic is to enhance the natural healing abilities of the body via the nervous system. In this way, the treatments offered at Inner Space have the ability to affect a wide array of conditions by balancing nervous and structural tone. In the most basic terms, the intent is to reduce stress on the body so it can engage self-regulating systems to heal from the inside out. Stress can come in the form of physical stress, chemical stress and mental stress. Sources of stress are identified and addressed over the course of care, with the goal of balancing areas of tension. Please consult the office if you have specific health concerns you’d like to address. Dr. Dan is happy to co-treat with other health professionals in order to maximize outcomes.

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What is chiropractic?

“The practice of chiropractic is defined as the science and art of examination, diagnosis, adjustment, manipulation and treatment of malpositioned articulations and structures of the body, both in inpatient and outpatient settings. The adjustment, manipulation or treatment shall be directed toward restoring and maintaining the normal neuromuscular and musculoskeletal function and health.”

MISSOURI HOUSE BILL NO. 1246,  Section A. Section 331.010

The word ‘chiropractic’ comes from the Greek words cheir (meaning ‘hand’) and praktos (meaning ‘done’), i.e. Done by Hand. The name was chosen by the developer of chiropractic, Daniel David Palmer. Palmer defined chiropractic as, “The Philosophy, Art and Science of things natural. A system for adjusting the segments of the spinal column, by hand only, for the correction of the cause of Dis-ease.”

A prolific reader of all things scientific, DD Palmer realized that although various forms of manipulation had been used for hundreds if not thousands of years, no one had developed a philosophical or scientific rationale to explain their effects. Palmer’s major contribution to the health field was therefore the codification of the philosophy, art and science of chiropractic which was based on his extensive study of anatomy and physiology. 

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